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Campbell Elementary School

Home of the Cougars


Classlink Reading & Writing Resources

The district provides many online resources for grades K - 5.

These resources can be accessed through ClassLink.
ClassLink Login Link
Student Access Information
Click on icon above and use the following credentials.

Username: first initial + last initial + ID number
Password: student's district password


Each grade has many online activities in their Grade Level Canvas page for grades K - 5.

Canvas App Icon

Access Canvas through Classlink

Select the grade level Canvas page for your student.

  Ed Your Friend in Learning online appWaggle Online Math Program


Online Reading lessons Access through ClassLink via Ed Your Friend in Learning App

Grades K-5

Progress Learning App

Progress Learning 

Online Reading Lessons through ClassLink 

Grades K-5

Liftoff App


Intervention/Tutorial Math lessons and activities

Access through ClassLink via Progress Learning App

Grades 2-5

Learning Farm App

Learning Farm 

Online Reading Activities through ClassLink 

Grades 2-5

Gale Miss Humblebee's Academy

Gale Miss Humblebee’s Academy

Phonics Lessons

Access through ClassLink 

Grades K-1 

Raz Kids App

Raz Kids

Online Reading Resource

Access through ClassLink – Teachers have sent home login informaiton for students. 

Grades K-1 

Book Taco App

Book Taco

Book Quizzes & Games

Access through ClassLink 

Grades 1-5

Book Flix App


Nonfiction Reading

Access through ClassLink 

Grades K-5

Book Taco App

Book Taco

Book Quizzes & Games

Access through ClassLink 

Grades 1-5

Storyworks App


Online Reading Magazine

Access through ClassLink and use class code provided by teacher.

Grades 3-5

Scholastic News for Kids

Scholastic News for Kids

Online Reading Magazine

Access through ClassLink and use class code provided by teacher.

Grades 1-2

SN Let's Find Out

Let’s Find Out

Online Reading Magazine

Access through ClassLink and use class code provided by teacher.

Grades K

Lightbox App

Light Box

Interactive Ebooks

Access through ClassLink 

Grades 1-5

MackinVIA App


Online Library

Access through ClassLink 

Grades K-5

Brainpop App


Reading/Grammar videos

Access through ClassLink and click Classlink when prompted

Grades K-2 Brainpop Jr.

Grades 3-5 Brainpop

Other Resources

Starfall App


Reading lessons (click icon to access website)

Grades K-5

Sheppard Software

Sheppard Software 

Reading lessons (click icon to access website)

Grades K-5

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Reading Lessons & Explanation Videos

Grades K-5

Homework Help

Fort Bend County Libraries

Fort Bend County Libraries

Grades K-5

Homework HotlineHomework Hotline

Grades K-5

Region 20 Icon

ESC 20

Grades K-5

Home Resources


Metacognition: Thinking About How You Think

Good readers have developed good habits when they read.  We call these habits strategies.  Strategies help readers understand, connect to, and determine the importance of what they are reading. Strategies create a plan of attack.  Then readers can solve any reading problems themselves.  Strategies help readers realize HOW they are thinking so that they can think more deeply and more consciously.
Your child may be using some or all of these strategies already. They just may not know it.  However, as they learn to read more complicated materials, they will need to use these strategies purposefully.   Mindful practice of the strategies will get them there. 

The Reading Strategies

Make Connections:
         Text to Self (similar events in your life)
         Text to Text (books, movies, T.V., etc.)
         Text to Life (real world events
         Ask Yourself:
               What do I already know about this?
               Has anything similar ever happened to me?
               How would I feel if this happened to me?
               Can I relate to the characters?

Ask Questions: Asking questions helps keep you focused on the text. If your mind wanders, you will not understand. Then you will be bored.
            What don’t you get?
            What do you get?
            What words don’t you understand?
            What other questions do you have?
            What do you wonder about as you read?
If you run into problems, things you just don’t understand, then you can check yourself with a question.

Determine Importance: Anything you read contains a lot of information. You cannot remember everything.  By deciding what is important, you don’t have to remember everything.  You can prioritize the information you need in order to understand.
          Pick and choose which details are the most important to remember.
          Think about what a teacher might ask on a test.
          Think about what the author hints might be important later on.

Infer and Predict:  Good readers are like detectives.  They use clues to determine what is happening in a story.  This is called INFERENCE.  Good readers also make educated guesses about what may happen later in the story.   They use the author’s hints to PREDICT what will most likely occur.
          Ask Yourself:
          What isn’t stated that I have figured out?
          What do I predict will happen?
          Why do I think so?

Visualize: The author's job is to paint pictures in the reader's mind. The reader's job is to visualize what the author describes. Picture in your mind the images the author creates with his/her words. Pay close attention to sensory details. For example, if you were there, what would you SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH, FEEL?

Synthesize: Synthesize is a fancy way of saying that you must bring everything together in the end. In other words, what is the meaning of what you are reading?
          Ask Yourself:
               What does it all mean?
               What's the big idea?
               Are there questions still left unanswered?
               What are the lessons I should learn?
              What do I think about this book?