Campbell Uniform Guidelines
In the Spring of 2022, the Campbell Elementary SBDM team met to review the student dress code and made decisions for implementation for the 20122-23 school year.
Bottoms - Uniform bottoms, including pants, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers must be khaki, navy blue, or black and must be finger tip length or longer. If leggings or tights are worn, they must be under shorts, skirts, or jumpers and must be one of these solid colors (khaki, navy blue, black, grey, red, or white). Blue denim jeans permitted on Friday with school spirit t-shirt. No sagging, baggy, or oversized slacks are allowed. Khaki or dark blue shorts, skirts, skorts,
Tops - Tops are to be collared solid navy blue, red or white polo shirts or blouses. Solid colored undershirts or turtlenecks worn under polo shirts or blouses must be navy blue, red or white.
Footwear – It is highly recommended that tennis shoes are worn daily for recess. For safety reasons, tennis shoes are required to participate in Physical Education classes.
Jackets - Outer wear, such as, jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts, can be worn of any color but must follow the LCISD dress code.
Clarifications -
Enforcement Policy - For students who do not comply with uniform dress, the following steps could be taken: Change into uniform dress at school, send home letter with explanation of dress code violation, student / parent conference with teacher and / or administrator, home visit by the social worker, or follow LCISD Student Code of Conduct for violation of dress code.
Exemptions – The following exemptions of the uniform dress may be allowed: Boy/Girl Scout Uniforms, Field Day, School/District sponsored days (i.e. Western Day), special event days, celebration days and Spring Individual Picture day. Parents / Guardians, who have a bona fide religious or philosophical objection, may submit a written petition to the campus principal. The SBDM Committee will approve or deny the petition.